Monday, June 14, 2010

Smoking Hazards

Let’s know the hazards of smoking.

One may think that with the amount of evidence out there linking cigarette smoking with various life-threatening, pain-inducing and socially alienating consequences, more people would kick the habit. But the fact is, giving up smoking is hard! The proof: the majority of smokers who try to quit end up relapsing shortly thereafter.

One factor to successfully becoming smoke-free is to build up the incentive to quit in the first place. Those who are still struggling with a smoking addiction may want to consider the following A to Z list of smoking hazards:

A- Aortic aneurism- swelling of the aorta

B- Chronic bronchitis

C- The big “C”- Cancer of the lungs, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, bladder, pharynx, uterus, cervix, lips, tongue, throat and voice box (Sorry, were you going to use those?)

D- Death. Approximately 87% of all lung cancer deaths in the US are caused by cigarette smoking

E- Emphysema is common among heavy smokers between the ages of 40 and 60

F- Damage to the fetus, causing still or premature birth, low birth weight and SIDS

G- Gum disease and tooth decay, not to mention bad breath


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