Friday, June 25, 2010

Expert Shocked by High Nicotine

Above some info about it.

One of the leading tobacco experts in the world, Dr. Jeffrey Wigand is highly shocked with the high levels of nicotine and tar in the cigarettes consumed in New Zealand. He feels that smokers, who are exposed to such high levels of these dangerous chemicals, face a lot of risks.

He has been invited by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) to New Zealand to interact with Maori affairs select committee inquiry into tobacco.

Dr. Wigand is considered a hero for his actions, which lead to huge penalties on the tobacco Companies. A movie was made on him called The Insider in which Russell Crowe played the role of Dr. Wigand.  

He has also served as the former Head of Research and Development for a United States tobacco Company. When he first glanced at the high level of nicotine and tar to which an average New Zealand smoker is exposed, he thought it was a hoax.

A study found that from eight countries, New Zeeland has the highest amount of tar in cigarettes and is placed second behind South Africa for nicotine levels. Tar is considered to be a leading cause of lung cancer.  

The study was conducted by British American Tobacco (BAT) after testing 80,000 filters given by smokers from eight countries.

Dr. Wigand stressed that high levels of tar made it difficult for people, who are trying to quit smoking and this specially, hurt young people and adults severely.

He also termed the tobacco industry as an immoral industry as it harms and kills millions of people around the world.

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