Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prohibited for light, mild and low tar cigarettes

Above about light, mild and low tar cigarettes to be prohibited.

Light cigarettes, the most popular sales, should be abolished as part of the family is the Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.
The tobacco companies have long marketed as a special non-smoking "light", "low tar" and "soft" supporters of the legislators and the fight against smoking. It has been said to convince the customer to claim a false belief that smoking is less dangerous. Studies have shown that they are equally hazardous.
Groups such as the American Association Lung hopes smokers will see this change as a time to stop.

“We commemorating this historic day by encouraging smokers to quit,” said Charles D. Connor, President and CEO of the American Lung Association. “The Lung Association is committed to helping you and your loved ones quit with our proven smoking cessation programs and resources.”

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