Saturday, June 26, 2010

Reason That Make You Quit

Above 4 reasons it will make you quit.

The Tobacco Control Act might be aimed at keeping those cancer sticks out of the hands of kids, but the legislation that kicks in this week will have some major adult effects too.


If you're one of the 46 million Americans who hasn't kicked the smoking habit, maybe this will put you over the edge (here's hoping anyway).

1. No more cheap small packs. Anything packaged with 20 or fewer cigarettes has been deemed too kid-friendly, and they're being kicked off the shelves.

2. No more false advertising. You might feel better reading the words "ultra light," but it's all in your head, not in your lungs. Cigarette companies are officially banned from using words like "ultra light," "mild," and "low-tar."

3. No more freebies. Love your Marlboro man cowboy hat? Put it on eBay because they won't be making any more of those free gifts with purchase.

4. No more in-your-face advertising. Whether the marketing of tobacco at sporting events made you crave a cigarette or not, the temptation is gone. Those ads are officially illegal.

If you're still smoking, does any of this make you want to stop?

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